Design Principles
McNally Façade Additions (NW-2)
Sensitive additions that terminate the north and south wings, frame a reconfigured courtyard and provide additional office and meeting spaces, as well as ground floor access. The McNally Arrival Courtyard (OS1a & OS1b) The McNally Arrival Courtyard will demonstrate the ceremonial and symbolic face of the Saint Mary's campus. Vehicular access will be limited and the courtyard will be landscaped to welcome visitors and provide spill-out spaces for the proposed additions.
Rendering of proposed McNally additions
3D View of the McNally Building seen from the south west
Science Building Addition (NW-3) and Theme Garden (OS3)
Replacement of the house at 5960 Inglis Street with a 4-storey building that establishes a stronger presence on Inglis and is aligned with other proposed buildings on Inglis Street. A Theme Garden, to the east of the Science Addition will provide both a place for relaxation and a place for students to study a variety of plant materials. The Theme Garden provides an opportunity to name the space after a prominent figure relevant to Saint Mary's.
The Inglis Street Edge
In collaboration with HRM, the opportunity exists to improve the Inglis Street edge and transform it as an attractive, inviting and compelling gateway to the University with clear entrance points.
3D View of the North West Campus seen from the west
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General Inquiries
University Security:
Emergencies: 902-420-5000Non-emergency line: 902-420-5577
Cancellation/Closure Hotlines:
Students: 902-491-6263Faculty & Staff: 902-491-6264
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