Design Principles
The Arena and Link (NE-4)
The Arena and Link should be oriented east-west to create the East Quad in conjunction with the removal of surface parking. The new Arena would include one level of underground parking to replace spaces lost as part of the creation of the East Quad and better accommodate its own needs.
The Field
The University should determine the optimal size of the Stadium, including bleachers, based on events and sports requirements. The Plan does not identify any specific modifications to the Field, but the opportunity exists to improve the Field's interface with the Campus and mitigate its 'barrier-effect', for example replacing the chainlink fence with a more visually appealing edge such as a terraced stone seating wall or decorative fence. Rows of trees should be planted to the north of the Field to break and deflect strong, prevailing winds from the north.
The East Quad (OS7 & OS8)
The opportunity exists to reinstate a formal green space in the northeast area of the Campus. Tall trees interspersed throughout the parking lot can be integrated into the East Quad and give it an instant appearance of permanence. The East Quad provides an East/West promenade that will link Tower Road to the Main Quad. The width of the promenade provides opportunities for seating, meeting and microclimate improvements through plantings. Plantings can be selected and planted to act as a windbreak.
The Stone Wall
The wall that runs the length of the eastern edge of the Campus is an integral part of Saint Mary's character and should be retained in place where possible and repaired. The existing stone gates should also be preserved and restored.
The Canadian Martyrs' Church (NE-1)
Saint Mary's should acquire the Canadian Martyrs' Church and its ancillary building in the event of their disposal. Due to its architectural character, the church building should be maintained. The church building would be ideal as a versatile and multi-purpose assembly space. The possibilityof continuing worship services could also be considered.
Academic Building (NE-2)
The opportunity exists to insert a new building (NE-2) between the Canadian Martyrs' Church and the 980 Tower Road site. To fit into the surrounding fabric, this building should not exceed five storeys with three storeys fronting onto Inglis Street.
Saint Mary's Courtyard (OS7)
This courtyard is designed as an open green space edged with light shade trees that will provide a passive view from the interior of the surrounding buildings. Saint Mary's Courtyard should become the major pedestrian route from the corner of Inglis Street and Tower Road into the Campus.
980 Tower Road (NE-3)
This site is Saint Mary's most prominent and visible corner. The existing building at 980 Tower Road can either be renovated/restored with an addition added to the south or removed and replaced with a new building designed to make a strong statement and clearly establish Saint Mary's presence. Through contemporary and imaginative architecture, a new building could become an iconic new entrance to Saint Mary’s – without replacing McNally as the traditional and ceremonial entrance to the Campus.
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