Jiju Poovvancheri

Faculty of Science
Mathematics and Computing Science

Faculty Member Information


Dr. Jiju Poovvancheri is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computing Science, 91±¬ÁϳÉÈËƬ, Halifax, canada. Prior to joining SMU, he was a postdoc ( partnering with Dreamcramft Attractions, Victoria) in Graphics lab, Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria, working with Prof. Andrea Tagliasacchi. Prior to UVic, he worked as a postdoc in Geospatial Intelligence Lab, University of Calgary, with Prof. Ruisheng Wang . He received his PhD (2015) from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras under the supervision of Prof. Ramanathan Muthuganapathy and masters (2009) in computer science from National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India.


Broadly, my research interests lie in computer graphics, 3D vision and machine learning. I am interested in developing efficient algorithms, and computational tools for 3D sensing and modeling of the objects and the world around us, with interesting applications in virtual/augmented reality, autonomous robotics, urban planning & simulation, bio-mechanical studies, collective behavior etc.. I am also interested in geometric problems related to shape analysis, matching and retrieval. My current focus include the following. -Point cloud processing 3D reconstruction -Volumetric video technology -Spatial data structures -Geometric deep learning​ -Performance capture for VR/AR


Ph.D., Computational geometry, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, 2015
M.S., Computer Science, National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India, 2009


2019 - Present, IEEE
2019 - Present, IEEE Computer Society
2019 - 2019, IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society
2019 - Present, IEEE Smart Cities Community
2018 - Present, ACMSIGGRAPH
2018 - Present, ASIA GRAPHICS
2018 - Present, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
2015 - Present, Solid Modeling Association


MITACS Elevate 2018 University of Victoria - 2018
NVIDIA GPU Grant The University of Calgary - 2018
Eyes high fellowship The University of Calgary - 2017
Institute Research Award Indian Institute of Technology, Madras - 2015

Scholarly Contributions


Peethambaran Jiju, Muthuganapathy Ramanathan. "Automatic Reconstruction of Triangular Meshes from Point Sets" (Winter - 2016)

Journal Articles

Chen Dong, Peethambaran Jiju. "A supervoxel-based vegetation classi?>cation via decomposition and modeling of full-waveform airborne laser scanning data", International Journal of Remote Sensing 39 (Winter - 2018), 2937-2968
Peethambaran Jiju, Wang Ruisheng, Chen Dong. "LiDAR Point Clouds to 3D Urban Models: A Review", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observation and Remote sensing 11:2 (Winter - 2018), 606-627
Ni Huan, Lin Xiangguo, Zhang Jixian, Chen Dong, Peethambaran Jiju. "Joint Clusters and Iterative Graph Cuts for ALS Point Clouds Filtering", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observation and Remote sensing 11:3 (Winter - 2018), 990-1004
Peethambaran Jiju, Wang Ruisheng. "Enhancing Urban Facades via LiDAR based Sculpting", Computer Graphics Forum 36:8 (Winter - 2017), 511-528
Chen Dong, RuishengWang , Peethambaran Jiju. "Topologically Aware Building Rooftop Reconstruction from Airborne Laser Scanning Point Clouds", IEEE Transactions on Geo-science and Remote Sensing 55:12 (Winter - 2017), 7032-7052
Peethambaran Jiju, Dev Amal, Muthuganapathy Ramanathan. "An Empirical Study on Randomized Optimal Area Polygonization of Planar Point Sets", ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 21 (Winter - 2016), 1.10:1-1.10:24
Peethambaran Jiju, Parakkat Amal, Muthuganapathy Ramanathan. "Randomized Approach to Volume Constrained Polyhedronization Problem", Journal of Computing & Information Science in Engineering, ASME Transactions 15:1 (Winter - 2015)
Peethambaran Jiju, Muthuganapathy. Ramanathan. "Reconstruction of Water-tight Surfaces through Delaunay Sculpting", Computer Aided-Design (Elsevier) 58 (Winter - 2015), 62-72
Dev Amal, Peethambaran Jiju, Joseph Philumon, Muthuganapathy Ramanathan. "A Graph based Geometric Approach to Contour Extraction from Noisy Binary Images", Journal of Computer Aided Design & Applications (Taylor & Francis and CAD Solutions LLC) 12:4 (Winter - 2015), 403-413
Peethambaran Jiju, Muthuganapathy Ramanathan. "A Non-parametric Approach to Shape Reconstruction from Planar Point sets through Delaunay Filtering", Computer Aided-Design (Elsevier) 62 (Winter - 2015), 164-175

Conference Proceedings

Peethambaran Jiju, Parakkat Amal, Muthuganapathy Ramanathan. "A Voronoi based Labeling Approach to Curve Reconstruction and Medial Axis Approximation", ​Pacific Graphics (2015 - 2015)
Peethambaran Jiju, Dev Amal, Muthuganapathy Ramanathan. "Volume Constrained Polyhedronizations of Point Sets in 3-Space", Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP 2013) (2013 - 2013)
Peethambaran Jiju, Ramanathan M. "A Graph Theoretic Approach for the Construction of Concave hulls of Point Sets in R^2", International Conference on CAD and Applications (CAD 2012) (2012 - 2012)