SMU Café
Connect with SMU students, alumni, and faculty online! This platform allows Santamarians to connect from anywhere in the world and develop important networking skills. This also allows alumni to help mentor current SMUdents in an easy way; with students' questions being sent directly to your inbox. Learn more about the program here.
Other Mentorship ProgramsFor Mentorship Opportunities in the Halifax Regional Municipality, check out the
If you’ve graduated within the last three years, you can still access Saint Mary’s Career & Experiential Learning office, as a special benefit for young alumni. Located on the 4th floor of the Donnell O'Hennessey Student Centre, they offer recent graduates access to continued career counseling, assessments, and career development support.
Here are some of the ways the Career & Experiential Learning team can help you post-graduation:
Career Counselling
Career Counselling is a confidential, in-depth service tailored to the client and addresses career and education concerns. Our Career Counsellors are graduate-trained professionals who are skilled and experienced in helping students work through questions and obstacles, and can support them in making the best decisions related to their career path. This free service is available to all students and alumni for three years’ post-graduation. Book an appointment online at
Career & Employment Coaching
Recent graduates can book an appointment, or attend our walk-in hours, with a Career and Employment Coach! Our Career and Employment Coaches support individuals with resume development, cover letter writing, social media profiling, job searching, networking, interviewing and more. In addition, alumni can visit the Saint Mary’s University job bank on to view up to date job postings in Halifax and beyond with our partner employers. In addition, alumni can book one-to-one appointments on Career360° and learn about any new career and job related events both on and off campus.
Employer Engagement
Employer Engagement at Career & Experiential Learning provides opportunities for students and employers to engage and interact with each other in direct, meaningful, and impactful ways. Join us for on campus information sessions, information booths, recruiter panels, career fairs, and more! All of our events are open and free to new graduates. View our events calendar on
Whether it’s help with resumes and cover letters, or advice on marketing yourself or your degree, we can help!
Career & Experiential LearningPhone: (902) 420-5499Email: Website: Visit the Career & Experiential Learning homepage
You can also drop in at their office on the 4th floor of the Student Centre.
Whether it’s help with resumes and cover letters, or advice on marketing yourself or your degree, we can help.
Alumni Career ServicesWebsite: Phone: 902-420-5761Email:
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