, has been enhancing industrial health and safety management through applied psychology research for over two decades. He joined the department of Psychology at Saint Mary’s University in 2001 and in 2002 he was instrumental in founding the CN Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
In 2013, Dr. Fleming became the first ever CN Professor of Safety Culture focussed of developing practical tools to assist organizations to prevent harm. He is currently involved in researching safety culture in a wide range of industries including rail, petrochemical, construction and power generation. He continues to advise numerous Canadian and international organisations on safety culture assessment and improvement, including the International Atomic Energy Agency. Dr. Fleming’s research aims to provide best practice guidelines to industry and criteria for successful safety programs. Much of his work on safety culture is focussed on translating research into usable practices and guidelines by producing practical tools such as his Changing Minds Guide and the Cultural Maturity Model.
For the past twenty years Dr. Fleming has been collaborating with the public and private sectors to develop tools and metrics aimed at increasing health and safety in industrial and professional environments. His collaborative applied research has spanned offshore oil and gas, patient safety, nuclear power, petrochemical and construction. Some examples of his collaborative research include the development of a healthcare journal to support communication between patients and families and healthcare professionals and collaboration with the Nova Scotia Construction Safety Association to identify factors that differentiate low injury rate construction companies from high injury rate companies.
In addition to his own research, Dr. Fleming supervises the work of the Safety Culture Team at Saint Mary’s University where researchers tackle projects brought forward through partnerships with local, national and international organizations. Dr. Fleming continues to serve in an editorial role with numerous peer-reviewed journal publications and is a sitting member of the Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation’s Research Advisory Committee.
Dr. Mark Fleming’s Affiliations
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