In keeping with President Robert Summerby-Murray’s strategic priority 3.1.2 (University Healthy Campus), the Healthy Campus Champions Grant Program provides funding support for strategic initiatives that promote and enhance health and wellness at Saint Mary’s University. These grants invite students, faculty and staff to become champions of a healthy campus. In addition to funding, our University-wide Healthy Campus Committee offers logistical support, connecting successful applicants with necessary resources and potential partners that can lead to a successful project
Students, Staff and/or Faculty (including full and part-time faculty, post-doctoral fellows, and professor emeriti) are all eligible to apply.
Although individuals may apply for funding, we are particularly interested in team projects and partnership proposals.
Initiatives that fall within a department or office’s regular operations will not normally be supported.
Funding is not intended to provide support for honours or graduate theses or doctoral dissertation projects.
Applications will be considered from those funded in previous competitions, but preference will be given to first-time applicants. Ongoing project funding will only be considered if the application is in another of the three grant categories. Additional project applications will not be considered if final budget reports have not been submitted.
Successful proposals will demonstrate a clear likelihood of enhancing University Health and Wellness. The Adjudication Committee will address the following questions:
Eligible expenses are determined on a case by case basis, but must be directly related to project activities and conform to University policy and procedures.
Expenses that allow for a personal benefit or salary are ineligible, although students may receive an honorarium in recognition of their time and labour. Other ineligible expenses include but are not limited to alcohol, professional development training, costs of construction or office renovation, or telephones.
An Adjudication committee with student, staff and faculty representation will assess applications that fall into three different project categories:
Applications may be submitted at any time but results of the adjudication process will be announced on November 1 and March 1. Projects for March 1 adjudication must be received by February 15h and for November 1 adjudication by October 15. In some cases the adjudication committee will advise the applicants on ways to improve the project and suggest resubmission.
All projects must be completed within an agreed-upon time frame. Unused funds must be returned to the Committee when the project is complete. A final project report, including a financial statement demonstrating that funds were used solely for the project, is required within thirty days of the project’s completion.
Application form.
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