Saint Mary’s University Sport Hall of Fame
1. Purpose
The purpose of the Saint Mary’s University Sport Hall of Fame is to recognize those individuals and teams who have made a significant contribution and achievement of excellence with the athletic programs at Saint Mary’s University, and who, as a result of this contribution, have enhanced the image and reputation of the institution.
2. Values
3. Administration
Saint Mary’s Sport Hall of Fame is administered by a Steering Committee who serves the University in a capacity to assist with the Hall of Fame. The Steering Committee is a broadly based committee, which will select its chair.
4. Meetings
5. Funding
Funding is provided through the Department of Athletics & Recreation’s budget with assistance from other departments (i.e., Alumni Office, as is necessary)
6. Tenure
Tenure for all committee members, with the exception of ex-officio members, is to be five (5) years, A committee member that has completed his/her tenure may be re-appointed by consensus of the Steering Committee.
Steering Committee Membership
Lifetime Appointment – Doug Wright
At times the committee on recommendation of the Director A&R can appoint a person or persons as lifetime member of this committee
Note: Administrative support is shared between the Department of Athletics & Recreation from among their staff members and staff in the Alumni Office. In addition to its role, the Steering Committee is responsible for:
7. Implementation
Saint Mary’s University Sport Hall of Fame was inaugurated during Homecoming 1995. Inductions are normally held annually during Homecoming weekend.
8. Induction Categories
9. Selection Criteria
A) Athlete
Normally, consideration for selection will be given to an athlete following a minimum five (5) year waiting period following their last participation as a varsity athlete. A former student-athlete shall be first eligible for selection five (5) full academic years after last representing Saint Mary’s University in competition and Graduation from the University.
Other factors which will be considered for selection include: the athlete’s achievements in provincial, national and international athletic competitions while representing Saint Mary’s University; character; leadership; non-athletic service to the University community; and achievement(s) in later life.
B) Builder
C) Team
10. Selection Methodology
A) Nominations
B) Research Responsibility
C) Selection Procedures
D) Selection Quotas
11. Presentation & Format
A) Reception/Luncheon
B) Display & Logistics
12. Sub-Committees
**** Recommended that Policy & Procedure Manual be reviewed every two years.
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