French Program

french students in Angers

Why study French?

Explore French language as well as Francophone cinemas, literatures, history and cultures while developing cultural awareness and critical thinking skills.

The Saint Mary’s approach

Knowing an additional language and having enhanced cultural skills gives you an advantage in your career and future education. We offer comprehensive Major, Minor, and Certificate programs that will strengthen your linguistic skills and help you to understand and appreciate the languages and cultures of the Francophone world.

Hands-on learning

There are excellent opportunities to study abroad in France for academic credit – you could even win the CIDEF-Angers Prize for studying abroad in France. As a student, you can enjoy our French activities or participate in the Explore Program to improve your French.

You can also compete for an excellence award given by the Alliance Française of Halifax. Winners get a chance for a trip to Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon (a little bit of France in North America) offered by the French Consulate in the Atlantic Provinces. As well, you could work in France as an English Assistant.

Sample courses offered:

  • French and Québec cultures
  • Pacific Ocean Literature
  • Indigenous Literature in French
  • The Postcolonial Experience
  • French Film
  • Expressions of the Anthropocene
  • Beginner to Advanced French

Career Opportunities:

  • Any job you want! A second language is always an asset, whatever the job is
  • Teacher
  • Translator
  • Journalist
  • Interpreter
  • Cultural liaison
  • Social worker
  • Public relations consultant
  • Politician