The items below are provided to assist faculty researchers with a few areas that have commonly asked questions regarding how to proceed. These are not meant to be the definitive policies, but rather guide people to use the existing processes, and point to where the official documentation is housed at other places on SMU’s website. Please feel free to follow-up and ask more questions regarding any of these items to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research by emailing to
Research Associate vs. Research Assistant vs. Post Doc
When hiring a person from a research grant/contract to support research activity, the individual can either be hired as a Casual Employee or through an employment contract:
Process for hiring Contract Employees for Research Support:
What account # should I use when hiring a Postdoc or Research Associate?
Process for hiring Casual Employees for Research Support:
The most common method faculty researchers will use to hire research assistants is to use “Casual Employment”. This method can be used to hire individuals to assist in your research activity based either on a planned “full time period of work” (e.g. a summer student position designed to be full time – 35 hours per week, at SMU – for a 12 week period), or for a part-time work “as able” over a period (and submitting hours-worked forms along the way). While, most frequently, professors will hire SMU students, this is not a necessary requirement.
To set up an assistant to be paid via this Casual Employment route, you will need to complete a “Casual Employee Action and Change Form”. And then the payment schedule can be done by either setting up a fixed pay schedule over a period using the “Fixed Remuneration Form”, or for variable on-the-go hours use the “Bi-Weekly Time Report”. These forms can all be found, with explanations, here (you will need to login to SMUPort to gain access):
These forms all get submitted to once completed.
Other notes:
What account # should I use when hiring a Casual Employee research assistant?
The account number to use depends on whether the assistant being hired is a student (then, undergraduate or graduate ... domestic or international), or not ... Here are the most relevant account numbers:
Research Purchasing
Please visit: How to Purchase ​​​​​​​​​​Computer Equipment with Research Funds
Please visit
If students, faculty, or other researchers from outside of Saint Mary’s University are coming to conduct research with a SMU faculty member (without any payment from/through SMU), these external researchers should be formally established as a Visiting Researcher or Visiting Research Student – this requirement is outlined in the SMU Visiting Scholars Policy Please contact the Research Grants Officer for information about the process to formally appoint a Visiting Researcher or a Visiting Research Student – this process, when completed, will allow such Visitors to have official status at SMU for the period of their visit (e.g. ability to secure a SMU A# and Office365 and Library access, as needed) as well as providing the documentation needed for international scholars to secure an appropriate Visa to visit Canada through IRCC.The Research Grants Officer will gather the needed details and other information, and prepare a formal Letter of Invitation from the Associate Vice-President Research to send to the planned visitor – the visitor is then asked to sign and return the formal Letter, indicating their acceptance and agreement to follow SMU policies during their visit.Note that for international scholars to secure the needed Visa to enter Canada, other material will need to be provided to the Research Grants Officer (in addition to the signed acceptance of the Offer) –the Grants Officer then provides all information to People & Culture to allow them to secure the official IRCC “Employment Number” needed (even for an unpaid Visitor):
The following will apply to research or special-project funds, whether they are funded externally or internally. These Funds will all start with 2 – “2xxxxx” – as opposed to operating budget Funds – “100000”:
If the Department Chair and/or “line Dean” is not comfortable giving this “one up” approval signature, because they aren’t sure what expenses are actually eligible to be claimed, it should be forwarded to FGSR ( for review.
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