Diane Crocker holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from York University. Her research areas include restorative justice, rape culture, gender-based violence, criminal harassment, and the use of law to address social problems, particularly those that disproportionately affect women. She has worked on projects in the following areas:
She is currently a member of iMPACTS: Collaborations to Address Sexual Violence on Campus (), past contributor to the Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative () and sat on the Policy and Research Advisory Board for the Mass Casualty Commission (). She regularly advises government and community agencies on projects related the gender-based violence. In recent years, Dr. Crocker has led the evaluation of Nova Scotia’s Standing Together initiative () which will be developing a provincial domestic violence action plan for the province. She is also working closly with universities across Nova Scotia and developing effective sexual violence prevention and response policies and a multi-university exploration of students’ experiences.
Her recent book Violence Interrupted, co-edited with Joanne Minaker and Amanda Nelund, provides a collection of essays about researcher related to campus sexual violence in Canada.
Follow Dr. Crocker on Twitter @smudianecrocker Curriculum Vitae: Dr. Diane Crocker CV
Current Projects
Research Contracts and Collaborations:
Evaluation of the policies and programs aimed at addressing campus sexual violence (funded by the Department of Labour and Advanced Education)
Evaluation of Standing Together a provincial government initiative related to domestic violence (funded by the NS Advisory Council on the Status of Women)
Academic Research Grants:
iMPACTS: Collaborations to Address Campus Sexual ViolenceSSHRC-funded Partnership Grant
Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention InitiativeSSHRC-funded Partnership Grant
Recent Reports
Crocker,D. and Livingston, J. (2024) How do People Experience the MOSH Justice Program? A Community-Based, Narrative Study. Prepared for MOSH Justice and the North End Community Health Centre, 34 pp.
Crocker D. (2024) Alternative Responses to Intimate Partner Violence in Halifax Regional Municipality. Environment Scan produced for the YWCA and Halifax Regional Municipality, 41 pp.
Crocker, D. and Lowe, K. (2023) Learning from Students’ Experiences: Changing Campus Culture. Submitted to the Provincial Sexual Violence Prevention Committee (19 pp.)
Crocker, D., & Ternoway, H. (2022). Standing Together: Learning About What it will Take to Prevent Domestic Violence in Nova Scotia. Submitted to the Nova Soctia Advisory Council on the Statis of Women (26 pp.)
Recent Publications
Crocker, D. & and Dej E. (2024) “Our stories are different but our situations are the same”: Gendered experiences finding housing. Housing Care and Support Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Crocker, D., Minaker, J., & Nelund, A. (2020). Violence Interrupted : Confronting Sexual Violence on University Campuses.McGill-Queen's University Press.
Crocker, D., & Dufour, G. (2023). Developing campus anti-violence policies: Lessons learned from the criminalization of domestic and sexual violence. In C. Dietzel & S. Shariff (Eds.) Interupting Sexual Violence: The Power of Law, Education and Media. (pp 3-24). Peter Lang Publisher.
Crocker, D., & Silbey, M. (2020). Transforming Campus Rape Culture: Lessons from Complexity Theory. In S. Marine & R. Lewis (Eds.), Collaborating for Change: Transforming Cultures to End Gender Based Violence in Higher Education (pp. 23-46). Oxford University Press.
Crocker, D. (2020). Telling Stories and Making Sense of Campus Culture. In Violence Interrupted: Confronting Sexual Violence on University Campuses (pp. 371-388). McGill University Press.
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