The CN Centre aims to be a "centre of influence" promoting the health and safety of Canadians. The CN Centre promotes occupational health and safety by undertaking a number of consultancy projects and promoting best practice by presenting research results to relevant audiences. The training services that we offer are outlined below.
Seminar: Transformational Safety Leadership Learn about the leadership practices that have been shown to enhance organizational safety outcomes. The emphasis of this seminar is on what leaders at all levels in organizations can do to enhance safety in their workgroup, unit, or organization.
Seminar: Workplace Violence: Myths and Facts Learn about the prevalence and predictors of workplace violence. Identify effective strategies for the protection of workers from the most common sources of workplace violence. Based on extensive empirical research, this research focuses on the reality (rather than the myths) surrounding the topic of workplace violence.
Seminar: Workplace Accident Investigations and Memories Learn about the 鈥渟ocial cognitive鈥 factors that compromise eyewitness memory and their implications for occupational accident investigations. This will increase your organization鈥檚 appreciation for minimizing error in accident investigations.
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Creating Healthy Workplaces/Employee Well-Being
Seminar: Managing Stress and Achieving Work-Life Balance Workshops In this series of workshop options we explore employee stress and its negative effects on individuals and organizations. With an aim to reduce stress we present practical ways that organizations and employees reduce and manage stress and achieve work-life balance. Topics covered include: Stress and Work- Life Balance; Determining Priorities and Setting Goals; Coping and Reappraisal; Balancing Life and Work; Employee Well-Being and the Role of the Organization. These workshops can be offered as a full package (6 sessions) or in a subset customized to address particular organizational needs and constraints.
Seminar: Women in Leadership / Protecting your Health and Well-Being Women in leadership positions encounter many challenges; one of the most fundamental is finding ways to lead while preserving one?s health and well-being. Specific workplace stressors for female leaders are discussed and the best interventions/action plans to target them are outlined (e.g., dealing with workplace conflict, giving/receiving feedback, achieving work-life balance).
Seminar: Workplace Incivility and Aggression Rudeness and aggression from members of the public, coworkers, or supervisors is a pressing concern in many Nova Scotia workplaces. This presentation is designed to help individuals recognize, avoid, and cope with aggression in their workplaces. This presentation can be tailored for general or industry specific audiences.
Seminar: Leading to a healthy workplace Learn about the critical role that supervisors and managers play in creating a healthy workplace. How organizational leaders treat individuals has been shown to affect the psychological and physical health of employees, safety in the organization, and healthy lifestyle choices among employees. Learn effective leadership strategies for creating a healthy workplace.
Seminar: Workplace Fairness Employee assessments of fairness can impact important outcomes including stress and job satisfaction, commitment and turnover. Find out what employees consider when assessing fairness at work. Why is fair treatment important to them? Learn practical tips on how to improve fairness perceptions in your workplace.
Seminar: Emotional Intelligence & Leadership We will provide information about emotional intelligence at work. This seminar can be designed for leaders/managers or employees.
Seminar: Take this job and love it Learn about the core elements of employee engagement or ?loving your job?. This seminar is based on the four organizational practices consistently related to employees? love of the job and will focus on what managers can actually do to enhance employee engagement in organizations.
Workplace Communication and Conflict Prevention/Resolution
Seminar: Litigation for Corporate Defendants Learn about jury decision-making and how to educate and persuade jurors to adopt your perspective in dealing with occupational accidents. We can help you trouble shoot and create an effective strategy for a trial.
Seminar: Cross-Cultural Communication in the Workplace Cross-cultural interactions are often described in terms of a series of differences including: differences in communication styles, differences in approaches to task completion, differences in decision-making styles and differences in attitudes toward disclosure and conflict. Understand cross-cultural communication and its impact on work ethic, collaboration and productivity. Learn concrete strategies to improve cross-cultural communication in your workplace.
Seminar: Conflict Mediation and Resolution Understanding how to resolve conflict is a crucial skill for anyone who works as a member of a team. Learn concrete strategies for your organization surrounding mediating and resolving conflict in the workplace.
Seminar: Organizational Conflict Personal conflict at work is a major source of staff stress and illness. Poor leadership around conflict management can increase turnover and decrease morale. Provide employees with an understanding about their own workplace conflict styles. Learn how to better manage staff disputes. Keep your workplace functioning effectively and keep your staff healthy and productive.
Negotiation Training Improve the value of the working relationships with clients, contractors and partners. Effective negotiating skills can reduce conflict and misunderstandings within your organization. This training uses a hands-on approach, including role playing, simulation and assessments, to improve the ability of your staff to build strong relationships through successful and ethical negotiation strategies.
Training on Multivariate Statistics Augment your data analysis skills and reduce reliance on outside analytic consultants. This service is beneficial for internal research or survey work where sophisticated analysis capability is required. These training workshops are geared toward individuals who have previously acquired substantial training in statistics and want to learn how to apply advanced statistics using many variables. Possible topics can include: Factor Analysis, Structural Equations Modeling (SEM), Hierarchical Linear Modelling (HLM), multiple regression (linear or logistic models), and Multivariate Analysis of Variance.
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