Explore SMU’s diverse course offerings, while completing the Basic Arts Requirements.
Complete a minimum of six credit hours at the 1000 level in HIST.
Gain a better understanding of the world through an examination of the people, events, societies, and cultures of the past.
Get a copy of the History Department Style Manual .
Explore your options for majors and minors by attending the Programs Day across faculties in February.
Register for classes as soon as registration opens. Classes fill early!
Visit your Academic Advisor or Program Advisor to be sure you have the right courses.
Gather information on Cooperative Education opportunities.
Conduct research, analyze and assess evidence, and articulate sound conclusions.
Discuss and engage with primary sources, and acquire skills of discernment and synthesis through critical thinking, reading, and writing.
Improve your writing and thinking skills at the Writing Centre. Get expert feedback and incorporate it into your work.
Develop research skills by navigating online databases and the stacks at the Patrick Power Library. Take a .
Build a résumé at a Résumé Seminar, to prepare for internships, scholarships, and summer jobs.
Start your Co-Curricular Record. Document your acquired skills from on- and off-campus activities and volunteer work.
Attend Welcome Week. Make friends. Meet classmates, faculty, and advisors at academic orientation. Attend a session about a culture of safety and respect at Saint Mary's.
Introduce yourself to your professors after class or during office hours.
Join the History Society or some other student societies.
Try , a program where international students practice speaking English.
Stay Active. Explore SMUfit, campus sports, exercise, and recreation opportunities.
Apply for a scholarship. There are more than 260 available!
Need help with time management, organizational, or presentation skills? Book an Academic & Life Skills Coaching session.
Learn to budget your money. Attend a Financial Literacy workshop or get advice from Financial Aid and Awards.
Check-in with Career Services to start discussing your career goals, related to your program. Experiment with different classes to see what you like.
When facing a personal crisis, get help from the Counselling Centre.
Consider courses with global themes for your electives.
Need a job? Create a HireSMU account to find available jobs.
Not from Halifax? all our cultural opportunities and have fun.
Keep current with local events. Read Pride in Your Shared Neighbourhood newsletter.
Travel while studying. Investigate travel options beyond Canada (2nd or 3rd year) at International Activities.
Obtain or update your passport in preparation for possible international travel.
Not from Canada? Browse Services for International Students for available support.
Attend International Night—an annual banquet showcasing SMU’s many cultures.
Work towards completing 30 credit hours at the 2000 and 3000 levels.
Take a language course or certificate.
Thinking of changing majors or minors? Attend Programs Day for help.
Visit your professors or the Chair of the History Department to be sure you have the right courses and to declare your major in this year.
Hone your research, writing, and critical thinking skills.
Upgrade your writing with at the Writing Centre or through online resources.
Learn advanced researching techniques at the Library.
Update your Co-Curricular Record to keep track of your accomplishments and set new goals.
Apply your classroom learning and improve soft skills by joining some organizations on campus.
Participate in intramurals. Demonstrate your team skills and character to future employers and admissions officers.
Browse the Scholarship List modify your cover letter to match the criteria. Apply between February and May.
Need more academic support? Contact Personal Counselling or Academic & Life Skills Coaching.
Seek Career Counselling. Explore the core competencies of your major, and career possibilities related to your strengths, interests, and values.
Consider a summer field study program.
Discover ways to give back to your community, from local to global. Come to the Volunteer Fair held every September, or speak to a Career and Employment Coach at Career Services.
Get involved with activities outside of your major and minor. Employers like well-rounded candidates.
Attend the History Society Career Night.
Attend a LinkedIn photo shoot and a LinkedIn Seminar with Career Services. Put your best (and most professional) face forward!
Keep your HireSMU Account updated with accurate contact information and most recent résumés.
Consider applying for the Co-op Program at the beginning of 2nd year (30+ credits). Gain work experience over three terms.
Visit the International Activities office for a study-abroad program or an international field study course in 3rd year.
Explore options for international internships in your area of study.
Complete HIST 3000.
Work towards completing 30 credits.
Visit your Academic Advisor to be sure you’re on the right track to meet graduation requirements.
Meet your Faculty Mentor/ for help with course selection, career advice, certifications, or selecting a thesis supervisor for the Honours Program.
Thinking about graduate school? Contact Career Services for options and admission procedures, and begin planning for applications with your Faculty Mentor/Department Chair.
Improve your research skills and grades by visiting the Library and using the Research-by-Appointment service for one-on-one help.
The Writing Centre offers workshops on .
Update your Co-Curricular Record.
Improve your skills of discernment and synthesis through critical thinking, reading, and writing.
Get to know your professors. They are excellent contacts for reference letters. Chat about your future plans for 4th year and beyond.
Attend the Research Expo. Learn from the research and critical analysis of peers and professors. Also, showcase your own research project.
Join campus societies in your field. These provide opportunities to network with the industry and professionals.
Consider running for the History Society Executive.
Apply for over 200 returning awards.
Focus on summer or internship jobs within your major or career field of interest to gain specific experience and build credentials.
Visit the Career Development Centre for help with tactical job searches, including using social media, information interview, fine-tuning your résumé and cover letter, and practicing interview skills.
Join the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society.
Attend the in September and March. Discover career opportunities and employer expectations.
Let your networks know your major. Seek out potential employers for information and interviews.
Explore new designed to help international graduates gain experience in Nova Scotia.
Complete a minimum of six credit hours at the 4000 level.
If you are taking an Honours, complete HIST 4500.
Is it too late to do an Honours degree? Speak to the about your idea.
Complete a CAPP Degree Evaluation in Banner.
Visit the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research. Discuss SMU graduate opportunities.
Contact your Academic Advisor and Faculty Mentor/Department Chair to ensure you are on track for graduation requirements and post-graduation plan.
Apply to graduate. Fill out an application for graduation form and submit it to the Service Centre. Get your picture taken for the yearbook.
Apply to graduate schools or professional programs. Start early, and use your professors and the Writing Centre to review your personal statement, cover letter, and applications.
Apply for transcripts, if required.
Engage with historiographical issues and become familiar with the sub-fields of the discipline.
Before you graduate, do a final update of your Co-Curricular Record, and request an official copy.
Visit Career Services to prepare to clearly and persuasively articulate all you have learned at Saint Mary’s (in and out of class) to an employer.
Attend the SMU Student Empowerment Conference.
Serve as Department Student Rep. Speak to your .
Enter your best research paper for the Academic Writing Awards.
Get recognized for your involvement in the classroom and in the Saint Mary’s community. Apply for the Student Leadership Award.
Apply for other awards, including the SMUFU scholarship.
Brush up on your Financial Literacy. Receive guidance for a successful and healthy financial future, including student-loan repayment.
Your degree can open the door to many types of careers. Use the Career Counselling to discover where you want to go and how best to get there.
Plan to attend Career Services’ 4-week Job Search Seminar Series before or after graduation.
Attend the SMU Student Empowerment Conference or the Atlantic University Undergraduate History and Classics Conference.
Be prepared to apply, interview, and network when school begins, to maximize your chance of receiving some job offers by May.
In addition to the , attend some career fairs specific to your program. Bring your résumé. Prepare in advance to speak with recruiters and potential employers.
Apply for the program. Meet with a Halifax professional in a field of interest.
If you are a co-op student, arrange for your final work term placement early.
Are you an international student interested in staying in Canada and receiving permanent resident status? Contact the International Centre.
Get in contact with the SMU Young Alumni Association to begin your next phase as a Santamarian.
Remember, you have access to Career Services for three years post-graduation. Use these services to help you continue to get the most out of your degree.
Possible Careers: Academic Advisor, Alumni Affairs Co-ordinator, University Admissions Officer, Teaching Assistant, Translator, Student Life Coordinator
With More Training/Education: Teacher (Elementary and Secondary), Teach English as a Second Language (TESL) Teacher, Professor, Museum Educator, Assessments Specialist, Curriculum Specialist, Educational Researcher
Possible Careers: Antique Dealer, Appraiser, Company Historian, Institutional Researcher
With More Training/Education: Corporate Librarian, Director of Training & Implementation, Auction House Curator
Possible Careers: Curatorial Assistant, Costume Designer, Historical Exhibit Designer, Gallery Assistant, Event Planner, Casting Director, Scriptwriter/Screenwriter, Set Designer, Writer (Fiction & Non-Fiction)
With More Training/Education: Curator, Conservator, Cultural & Arts Education Specialist, Art Historian, Dramatic Arts Historian, Textile Furnishing Specialist
Possible Careers: Speechwriter, Foreign Service Officer, Policy Evaluator, Lobbying Researcher, City Manager, Intelligence Specialist, Political Campaign Co-ordinator, Customs Officer, Lobbyist, Immigration Officer, Diplomat
With More Training/Education: Deputy Minister, Minister, Senior Policy Advisor, Historical Buildings/Inspections Officer, Demographer
Possible Careers: Public Opinion Pollster, Tour Guide, Park Interpreter, Museum Technician, Preservation Assistant, Historical Interpreter, Major Gifts Officer, Museum Guide, Fundraising Assistant, Visitor Services Assistant, Volunteer Coordinator, Collections Technician, Heritage Technician, Community Outreach Coordinator, Tourism Consultant, Customer Relations Manager, Events and Sponsorship Coordinator, Grants Writer, Historical Society Researcher, Historical Society Director
With More Training/Education: Archaeologist, Historian, Anthropologist, Acquisitions Editor, Curator, Clergy, Foundation Administrator, Historical Projects Co-Ordinator, Historical Society Director, Exhibit Director, Oral Historian, Museum Director, Research Professional, Site Manager, Grants Director, Collections Management, Cultural Resource Management, Conservation Officer, Architectural Historian, Public Historian, Contract Historians, Conservator
Possible Careers: Data Processing Staff, Resource Centre Assistant, Digitalization Assistant, Oral History Transcriptionist, Public Information Co-ordinator, Journal Circulation Assistant, Records Management Technician, Title Searcher, Indexer
With More Training/Education: Librarian, Archivist, Genealogical Services Provider, Archives & Records Management Specialist, Oral Historian
Possible Careers: Radio Researcher, Television Researcher, Copywriter, Editor, Journalist, Biographer, Publisher, Editorial Consultant, Documentary Editors, Editorial Assistant, Publications Researcher, Writer
With More Training/Education: Senior Publisher, Senior Editor, Film Archivist
Arts degrees are flexible degrees and can lead to other programs and training outside the degree and its respective majors.
Arts graduates often have excellent communication skills or research skills, for example, that translate well into a vast array of careers.
Schedule a Career Counselling appointment today to discuss future career paths in this domain.
Possible Careers: Recruiter, Guest Services Manager, Corporate Communications Specialist, Human Resources Manager, Business Consultant, Development Management, Underwriting, Sales Representative, Actuary, Bank Research Analyst, Corporate Trainer, Market Researcher, Loan Administrator, Real Estate Agent, Public Relations Specialist, Marketing & Communications Writer, Career Development Practitioner
Possible Careers: Biomedical/Medical Research Assistant, Environmental Researcher, Physician, Nurse, Care Coordinator, Social Worker, Settlement Worker, Development Coordinator, Career Development Coach
Possible Careers: Lawyer, Legislative Aid, Paralegal, Visual Aides Reviewer, Legal Assistant, Police, Law Clerk, Security Officer, Crime Prevention Coordinator , Mediator/Conflict Resolutions Specialist, Parole/Probation Officer
Possible Careers: Small Business Owner, Independent Genealogical/Archival Services
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