Payment Methods

Although Saint Mary's cannot accept credit card payments for tuition, student fees or residence charges, we offer several other payment options.

The preferred method of payment is pre-authorized debit payments, which can be set up in the Student Account Centre with options for one time or scheduled payments. 

Visit the  to view upcoming payment deadlines.

View your On Demand Statement in the Student Account Centre for your term balance.

The preferred method of payment is pre-authorized debit payments, which can be set up in the Student Account Centre with options for one time or scheduled payments. Below are additional methods of payment:

International Payments

Canadian Payments

Questions or Concerns?
If you are having trouble or have questions about making a payment, please contact us at

CIBC International Student Pay is a smarter way to pay tuition from anywhere in the world.

You are guaranteed competitive foreign exchange rates, valid for 72 hours and provides instructions on how to make your payment at your local bank in your local currency.

CIBC International Student Pay allows you to conveniently choose from the following payment methods:

  • International Wire Transfer
  • Visa & MasterCard Debit and Credit Cards
  • China UnionPay
  • ACH Direct Debit for U.S. bank accounts

Please visit the to make a payment through CIBC International Student Pay.

Online banking

  • Sign in to your online banking.
  • Add "91±¬ÁϳÉÈËƬ" as a bill payee.
    • TD Bank customers, please search by: ST Mary’s University.
  • The account/customer number is your student ID (A#).
  • Allow 2-4 business days for your payment to appear on your Account Summary by Term.

 Debit Card

  • Visit our office (McNally Main 108) to pay with a Canadian debit card.
  • Note: All debit cards have daily purchase limits unless you make arrangements with your bank in advance to increase your limit. The best way to pay and avoid a daily limit is to use our online banking option.
  • Near the tuition deadline, wait times to make a payment will be longer.

Cheque or Money Order

  • Make payable to 91±¬ÁϳÉÈËƬ.
  • Include student ID (A#), first and last name on cheque or money order.
  • Mail or drop off cheques to the Service Centre:
    • 91±¬ÁϳÉÈËƬ
      923 Robie Street
      Halifax, NS  B3H 3C3
      Attn: Service Centre, Enrolment Services

    After hours cheque drop-offs can be placed in the secure mail slot located in the McNally Main hallway.

Third-party sponsorships

  • Students whose fees are paid by a government or sponsoring agency must present a signed statement, certificate or other supporting documentation to the Service Centre for payment.

Paying on behalf of a student?

The University considers the student to be the owner of their account and therefore is not able to release information to third parties, including parents. We appreciate your understanding of our commitment to protect student privacy and remain compliant with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of Nova Scotia.