ࡱ> ` bjbjss  EEE8:ElEl`HHHHHLLL7`9`9`9`9`9`9`$ah d]`MKK|MM]`HHtr`OOOMXHH7`OM7`OOOHH pdEINXO+S `0`OdNdOdOhLhvLJOL<LLLL]`]`kOXLLL`MMMM=BdB  Using the 5 point scale below, indicate by circling the most appropriate number the extent of your agreement or disagreement with the factors/statements you have selected as descriptions of your teaching in the class you have chosen to conduct your evaluation. This survey is purely for your use and comparison with the Instructor/Course Evaluation form completed by students. LEARNING Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. Students found the course intellectually challenging and stimulating.123452. Students learned something which they consider valuable.123453. Students interest in the subject increased as a consequence of this course.123454. Students have learned and understood the subject materials of this course. INDIVIDUAL RAPPORT 5. I was friendly towards individual students.123456. I made students feel welcome in seeking help/advice in or outside of class.123457. I had a genuine interest in individual students.123458. I was adequately accessible to students during office hours or after class. ENTHUSIASM 9. I was enthusiastic about teaching this course.1234510. I was dynamic and energetic in conducting the course.1234511. I enhanced presentations with the use of humour.1234512. My style of presentation held my students interest during class. EXAMINATIONS 13. Feedback on examinations / graded materials was valuable.1234514. Methods of evaluating student work were fair and appropriate.1234515. Examinations/graded materials tested course content as emphasized by me. 12345ORGANIZATION 16. My explanations were clear.1234517. My materials were well prepared and carefully explained.1234518. Proposed objectives agreed with those actually taught so the students knew where the course was going.1234519. I gave presentations that facilitated taking notes.12345 Percentage: 57% BREADTH 20. I contrasted the implications of various theories.1234521. I presented the background or origin of ideas/concepts developed in class.1234522. I presented points of view other than my own when appropriate.1234523. I adequately discussed current developments in the field.12345 GROUP INTERACTION 24. Students were encouraged to participate in class discussions.1234525. Students were invited to share their ideas and knowledge.1234526. Students were encouraged to ask questions and were given meaningful answers.1234527. Students were encouraged to express their own ideas and/or question me.12345ASSIGNMENTS 28. Required readings / texts were valuable.1234529. Readings, homework, laboratories contributed to appreciation and understanding of the subject. 12345 OVERALL Very PoorPoor Average Good Very Good 30. Overall, how does this course compare with other courses at Saint Marys?  1 2 3 4 531. Overall, how do you compare with other instructors at Saint Marys? 12345 COURSE WORKLOAD / DIFFICULTY 32. Course pace was: (1=Too slow, 2= Slow, 3=About right, 4= Fast, 5= Too fast) 1234533. Hours per week required outside of class: (1= 0 to 2, 2=2 to 4, 3= 5 to 7, 4= 8 to 10, 5 = > 10) 1234534. Course difficulty, relative to other courses was: (1= Very easy, 2=Easy, 3=Average, 4= Difficult, 5=Very difficult) 1234535. Course workload, relative to other courses was: (1=Very light, 2= Light, 3= Average, 4= Heavy, 5= Very heavy)12345 Percentage: 57% CLASS CHARACTERISTICS You may wish to anticipate what the majority of students are likely to say in answer to the following questions 37. In comparison with other courses, how easy is it to get good marks in this course? (1=very easy, 2=easy, 3=average, 4=difficult, 5=very difficult) 1234540. Students likely level of interest in this subject prior to this course: (1=Very Low, 2=Low, 3=Medium, 4=High, 5=Very High) 12345IMPORTANT COMPONENTS OF TEACHING EFFECTIVENESS Please indicate how important you consider the following factors to be in teaching this course effectively Stimulate learning / Academic Value12345Examinations / Grading12345Group Interaction12345Instructor Enthusiasm12345Organization / Clarity12345Assignments / Reading12345Individual rapport with students12345Breadth of coverage12345Appropriate workload / difficulty12345      INSTRUCTOR / COURSE EVALUATION Instructors Self Rating Form  INSTRUCTOR / COURSE EVALUATION Instructors Self Rating Form * Based on Student Evaluation of Educational Quality (SEEQ) permission granted 2004, Herbert W. 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