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Thesis Title: "John Donne's Occasional Poetry and Renaissance Genres in the Context of Manuscript Transmission of Texts. Supervisor: David Galbraith 1997-1998 M. A. English, University of Toronto. 1995-1997 Honours B. A. English Literature and Humanities, York University. 1988-1992 B.A., English Language and Literature, University of Belgrade. HONOURS AND AWARDS 2020 Social Equity Working Group, Universities and Colleges Division of Nova Scotia Department of Labour and Advanced Education Grant 2016 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada Insight Development Grant. Co-Investigator. 2006 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada Standard Research Grant. Principal Investigator. 2005 91ϳƬ Start-Up Research Grant. 2004 Bibliographical Society of America Research Grant. 2002-2004 Ontario Graduate Scholarship. 2002-2003 Department of English Award, University of Toronto. 2001-2002 SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship (declined Ontario Graduate Scholarship the same year) 2001-2002 Francis Bacon Research Fellowship, Huntington Library, CA. 2001-2002 Violet Pratt Memorial Scholarship in English. 2000-2003 University of Toronto Faculty Association Tuition Award. 1998-2001 University of Toronto, Open Doctoral Fellowship. 1997 University of Toronto, Open Master's Fellowship. 1997 Dean's Honor Roll, York University. SPECIAL STUDIES 2018. Body as a Testimony: Performance-Based Research in Vulnerable Contexts and Marginalized Communities. Workshop with Dr. Nena Mo ik. March 9, 2018. Saint Mary s University. 2018.  Achieving Truth: Embodied Art Research and Creating the Physicality of War on Stage. Theatre Workshop with Dr. Nena Mo nik and Aimee Goldsmith. March 16, 2018. University of Ottawa. 2017. Exhilarated Teaching/ Exhilarated Learning with Dr.Billy Strean, University of Alberta. Saint Marys University, September 25. 2014 Designed and delivered a faculty workshop on Intercultural Teaching and Learning. Saint Marys University, October 2014. Communities of Learning Series. Centre for International Student Affairs. Conflict Tool-Box. Full-day workshop led by Ricki Lewis, Safe School Ambassador (Palm Beach., Florida) and Board member of Peaceful Schools International. May 2008. 2007 The Process of Designing Explicit Instructions for Critical Thinking. Full-day workshop offered as part of the 11th Dalhousie Conference on University Teaching and Learning, May 2-3, 2007. 2007 Conscious Leadership for Women: Wise Women, Compassionate Leadership, Strong Communities. Two-day workshop led by the Executive Director of Anima Leadership in Toronto. The Tatamagouche Centre, NS, April 27-29, 2007. 2006 Took part in Controlling Intellectual Property: The Academic Community and the Future of Knowledge, 27-29 October, 2006. CAUT sponsored conference. Produced a written report for the Saint Marys University Faculty Union as a member of the SMUFU Executive. 2005-2006 Designed a series of three online workshops, Copyright and the Academe through WebTycho, University of Maryland University College. TEACHING Saint Marys University 2004-present ENGL 1205 Introduction to English Literature ENGL 1300 Word, Image, Power WMST 1200 Introduction to Women and Gender Studies ENGL 2307 Literary Traditions in English ENGL 2315 Masterpieces of Western Literature (Pre-Renaissance) ENGL 2320 Writing by Women ENGL 2396 Introduction to Shakespeare ENGL 3419 English Poetry and Prose of the 16th Century ENGL 3421 English poetry and Prose of the 17th Century ENGL 3444 Shakespeares Comedies and Romances ENGL 3446 Shakespeares Tragedies ENGL 4422 John Donne and the Literary Traditions of the Renaissance ENGL/ WMST 2827 Motherhood and Feminism ENGL 3828 / WGST 6849 Motherhood in Contemporary Literature and Culture 4401 Special Topic: Edmund Spensers The Faerie Queene ENGL 4470 The Rise and Fall of the Printed Book ENGL4556 Honours Seminar: Gender Construction and Representation in Early Modern Texts ENGL 4556/ WMST 4404 / WGST 6848 Honours Seminar: Mediating Motherhood: Historical and Contemporary Representations of Mothers and Motherhood ENGL/WMST Feminist Literary Theory WGSS 3100 Interdisciplinary Studies in Women, Gender and Sexuality: Reproductive Justice and Parenting WMST 6601 Feminist Theory Beijing Normal University in Zhuhai, China 2016 Beijing Normal University in Zhuhai, China 2019 ENGL 1205 Introduction to Literature 2014-fall Sabbatical leave 2012-2013Maternity Leave 2010-2011 Sabbatical leave 2009-2010 Maternity Leave University of Toronto Mississauga 1999-2003 ENG120Y Genre and Meaning ENG182 Effective Technical Writing ENG220Y Shakespeare ENG202Y Major British Writers ENG234 Childrens Literature George Brown College 2003-2004 COMM1091 Language and Communications Women and Gender Studies Supervisor: Morgan Kennedy, MA Thesis: Domestic Violence as a Result of the Covid19 Pandemic in Canada. (In progress). Interuniversity Masters Program in Women and Gender Studies, Saint Marys University Michele Bona, MA Thesis: Vulgar Displays of Power: Examining the Intersections of Masculinity and Whiteness in Heavy Metal Music (Defended in 2021) Interuniversity Masters Program in Women and Gender Studies, Saint Marys University Megan Dooley Hussmann, Ph.D Thesis External Examiner: Demystifying First-Time Mothers Postpartum Mental Health: A Phenomenological Study of the Transition to Becoming a Mother (Defended in 2020). Graduate School/Education in Counseling, University of Missouri-St. Louis MA Thesis Second Reader: Mavis Durowaa Mainu, MA Thesis: "Gender and Climate Change: migration as an act of agency among women from the Northern regions of Ghana." (In progress). Interuniversity Masters Program in Women and Gender Studies, Saint Marys University Alexandra Taylor Grimes, MA Thesis: The Matriarchs of Crime Aberrant Mothers as Antiheroines in Family Action Crime Dramas: A Feminist Analysis of the Mother-Son Relationship in the TV Series Sons of Anarchy and Animal Kingdom. (In progress). Interuniversity Masters Program in Women and Gender Studies, Saint Marys University RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION Books and Edited Collections Remembrance and Recovery: Voices from Contemporary Bosnia and Herzegovina. Routledge, 2023, forthcoming. Mothering Under Fire: Mothers and Mothering in Conflict Zones. Eds. Tatjana Takeva and Arlene Sgoutas. Toronto: Demeter Press, 2015. Social Software and the Evolution of User Expertise: Future Directions in Knowledge Creation and Dissemination. Editor. Hershey: Information Science Reference, 2013. Seventeenth-Century Poetic Genres As Social Categories: A New Reading of the Poetry of John Donne, Lewiston, NY: Mellen Press, 2010. Received the Adele Mellen Prize for Outstanding Contribution to Scholarship. Contributions to Edited Books (R. indicates double-blind peer review) Challenging Conceptions:Children Born of Wartime Rape in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in Challenging Conceptions:Children Born of Wartime Rape and Sexual Exploitation. Eds. Kimberley Theidon and Dyan Mazurana. (Oxford University Press, forthcoming). Raising Children Born of War in Bosnia: Reframing Perspectives on Mother Love Through a Mother-Daughter Case Study. In Intersections of Mothering: Feminist Accounts. Interdisciplinary Research in Motherhood Series. Eds. Carole Zuffrey and Fiona Buchanan. Routledge, 2020, 141-155.R Negotiating Identities in Post-Conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina: Self, Ethnicity and Nationhood in Adolescents Born of Wartime Rape. Changing Youth Values in Southeast Europe: Beyond Ethnicity. Eds. Tamara P. Trot and Danilo Mandi. Routledge, 2017. 19-38. R  Raising Children Born of Wartime Rape in Post-Conflict Bosnia: Maternal Philosophy Perspective . Mothering Under Fire: Mothers and Mothering in Conflict Zones. Eds. Tatjana Takseva and Arlene Sgoutas. Toronto: Demeter Press, 2015, 97-120. R How Conflict Shapes Motherhood and Motherwork. Tatjana Takseva and Arlene Sgoutas. Mothering Under Fire: Mothers and Mothering in Conflict Zones. Eds. Tatjana Takseva and Arlene Sgoutas. Toronto: Demeter Press, 2015. 1-23. R Conclusions and the Way Forward. Arlene Sgoutas and Tatjana Takseva. Mothering Under Fire: Mothers and Mothering in Conflict Zones. Eds. Tatjana Takseva and Arlene Sgoutas. Toronto: Demeter Press, 2015. 370-379. R How Contemporary Consumerism Shapes Intensive Mothering Practices Intensive Mothering: The Cultural Contradictions Of Modern Motherhood. Ed. Linda Ennis. Toronto: Demeter Press, 2015, 211-232. R The Commercialization of Higher Education and Knowledge as a Global Trend: Implications for the Digital Divide in Developing Countries. Globalization and the Digital Divide. Ed. Kirk St. Amant and Bolanle A. Olaniran. New York: Cambria Press, 2011, pp. 198-227. (invited) The World Wide Web and Cross-Cultural Teaching in Online Education. The Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Second Edition, Vol. VIII. Hershey, PA.: Information Science Reference Publishing, 2009: 4146-4154. (invited) Teaching, Learning, Negotiating: Cross Cultural Communication and The WWW as a Model. E-Collaboration: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications. Ed. Ned Kock. Hershey: Information Science Reference, 2009: 1020-1043. (reprinted) Teaching, Learning, Negotiating: Cross Cultural Communication and The WWW as a Model. Linguistic and Cultural Online Communication Issues in the Global Age. Ed. Kirk St.Amant. Information Science Reference. Hershey: Information Science Reference, 2007: 253-275. R "Book History and Reader-Response Theory: Teaching Shakespeare' Romeo and Juliet and King Lear" in Teaching Bibliography, Textual Criticism and Book History. Ed. Anne Hawkins. London: Pickering and Chatto, 2006: 167-174. R "The Myth and Magic of a Textual Truth and/or a Metaphorical Reading of the Deptford Trilogy." Robertson Davies: a Mingling of Contrarities. Eds. Camille R. La Bossiere and Linda Morra. Ottawa: U of Ottawa P, 2001: 125-146. Refereed Articles Thinking against Trauma Binaries: The Interdependence of Personal and Collective Trauma in the Narratives of Bosnian Women Rape Survivors", co-authored with Mythili Rajiva. Feminist Theory, December 2020. doi: HYPERLINK "https://doi.org/10.1177/1464700120978863" 10.1177/1464700120978863). R Between Trauma and Resilience: A Transnational Reading of Womens Life Writing about Wartime Rape in Germany and Bosnia and Herzegovina, co-authored with Agatha Schwartz. Aspasia: The International Yearbook of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European Women's and Gender History, 14(1):124-143. doi: 10.3167/asp.2020.140109. R One Is Not Born but Rather Becomes a Mother: Claiming the Maternal in Women and Gender Studies, Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement. Matricentric Feminism Issue. 10. 1-2 (2019): 27-44. Accessible at:  HYPERLINK "https://jarm.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/jarm/article/view/40552/36723" https://jarm.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/jarm/article/view/40552/36723. R Post-war Yugoslavism and Yugonostalgia as Expressions of Multiethnic Solidarity and Tolerance in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Special Topic Issue:  HYPERLINK "http://newdiversities.mmg.mpg.de/?page_id=3099" \t "_blank" New Solidarities: Migration, Mobility, Diaspora, and Ethnic Tolerance in SoutheastEurope.  HYPERLINK "http://newdiversities.mmg.mpg.de/" \t "_blank" New Diversities, 21.1 (2019):87-101. R Motherhood Studies and Feminist Theory: Elisions and Intersections. Motherlines. Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Engagement 9.1 (2018):177-194 . R Building a Culture of Peace and Collective Memory in Post-Conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina: Sarajevos Museum of War Childhood. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism 18.1 (2018).  HYPERLINK "https://doi.org/10.1111/sena.12265" https://doi.org/10.1111/sena.12265. Response to whether the definition of the term children born of war and vulnerabilities of children from recent conflict and post-conflict settings should be broadened. Acta Medica Academica. Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 46.2 (2017): 177-179. doi: 10.5644/ama2006-124.206. Hybridity, Ethnicity and Nationhood: Legacies of Interethnic War, Wartime Rape and the Potential for Bridging the Ethnic Divide in Post-conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina. Tatjana Takeva and Agatha Schwartz. National Identities. April, 2017. doi: 10.1080/14608944.2017.1298580 R Mother Love, Maternal Ambivalence, and the Possibility of Empowered Mothering." Hypatia: Journal of Feminist Philosophy 32.1 (2016). doi:10.1111/hypa.12310. R Genocidal Rape, Enforced Impregnation and the Discourse of Serbian National Identity. CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 17.3 (2015).  HYPERLINK "http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/clcweb/vol17/iss3/2/" http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/clcweb/vol17/iss3/2/ R Mothering and Teaching: Two Practices on the Same Continuum. Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement. Mothers, Education and Maternal Pedagogies. 4.1 (2013). R The Commercialization of Motherhood and Mothering in the Context of Globalization: Anglo-American Perspectives. Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement. Mothers and the Economy: The Economics of Mothering. 3.1 (2012): 134-148.R Knowledge and Expertise Redefined: Consensus Sapientia in the Digital Era and Reframing the Modalities of Teaching and Learning. TRANS: Internet Journal for Cultural Studies. 17.7.9 (2010). Accessible at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.inst.at/trans/17Nr/7-9/7-9_chorney7.htm" http://www.inst.at/trans/17Nr/7-9/7-9_chorney7.htm. R The Commercialization of Higher Education as a Threat to the Values of Ethical Citizenship in a Global World. UCFV Review, 2.1 (2008): 8- 27. R Hypertexts and Reader-Engagement: Reading, Writing, Adapting. EnterText, 7.3 (2007): 288-310. Accessible at:  HYPERLINK "http://arts.brunel.ac.uk/gate/entertext/issue_7_3.htm" http://arts.brunel.ac.uk/gate/entertext/issue_7_3.htm R Interactive Reading, Early Modern Texts and Hypertext: A Lesson from the Past. Academic Commons, December 2005. Accessible at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.academiccommons.org/interactive-reading-early-modern-texts-and-hypertext-a-lesson-from-the-past/" http://www.academiccommons.org/interactive-reading-early-modern-texts-and-hypertext-a-lesson-from-the-past/ Milton's Paradise Lost and Global Culture: a Christian Epic in the Multicultural Classroom." Professional Studies Review: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 2.1 (2005): 48-65. R "John Donne's Satires: How Will They Reform?" Reader: Essays in Reader Oriented Theory, Criticism and Pedagogy, 50 (2004): 10-57. R Published Reviews Review of Motherhood in Literature and Culture: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Europe, eds. Gill Rye, Victoria Browne, Adalgisa Giorgio, Emily Jeremiah, and Abigail Lee Six (Routledge, 2017); The Symbolic Order of the Mother, Luisa Muraro, trans. Francesca Novello, ed. Timothy S. Murphy (SUNY Press, 2018); and Another Mother: Diotima and the Symbolic Order of Italian Feminism, eds. Cesare Casarino and Andrea Righi, Trans. Mark William Epstein (University of Minnesota Press, 2018). Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy (forthcoming). Review of 21st Century Motherhood: Experience, Identity, Policy, Agency. Ed. Andrea OReilly. New York: Columbia University Press, 2010. Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement 7.2 (2016). Review of Mothering and Literacies. Eds. Amanda B. Richey and Linda Shufird Evans. Bradford, Ontario: Demeter Press, 2013. Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement 5.1 (2014): 329-331. Review of Over Ten Million Served: Gendered Service in Language and Literature Workplaces. Michelle A. Masse and Katie J. Hogan, eds. SUNY Press, 2010. CAUT Bulletin 59.1 (January 2012). Review of Transformative Motherhood: On Giving and Getting in a Consumer Culture. Linda L. Layne, ed. New York: New York University Press, 1999. Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement, 2.2 (2011): 294-5. Review of Daughters of Empire: A Memoir of a Year in Britain and Beyond. Jane Sutterfield. Toronto: Demeter Press, 2009. Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement, 1.1 (2010): 245-247. Review of Mothering in the Third Wave. Amber Kinser, ed. Toronto: Demeter Press, 2008. Journal of the Association for Research in Mothering, 11.2 (2009): 173-175. Review of Raising a Defiant Child. Philip S. Hall, and Nancy D. Hall. New York: American Management Association, 2007. Journal of the Association for Research in Mothering, 10.2 (2008): 271-272. Review of Therapy with Single Parents: A Social Constructionist Approach. Joan D. Atwood and Frank Genovese. Journal of the Association for Research in Mothering, 10.1 (2008): 307-8. Review of The Development of Judgment and Decision Making in Children and Adolescents. Janis E. Jacobs and Paul A. Klaczynski, eds. Journal of the Association for Research in Mothering, 9.1 (2007): 242-3. Review of Women and Children First: Feminism, Rhetoric, and Public Policy, eds. Sharon M. Meagher and Patrice DiQuinzio. Journal of the Association for Research in Mothering, 8.1,2 (2006): 361-2. Reports and Other Contributions to the Profession Saint Marys University Inclusive Language Statement, written in consultation with Academic Instructional Services, the SMU Indigenous Student Advisor and the SMU Diversity and Inclusion Officer. Accessible at:  HYPERLINK "/webfiles/SaintMarysUniversityInclusiveLanguageStatement.pdf" /webfiles/SaintMarysUniversityInclusiveLanguageStatement.pdf Culture and Perspectives on Sexual Violence Policy. Report prepared for the SMU Sexual Violence Prevention & Education Advisory Committee, based on data collected via focus groups with SMU students from different cultural backgrounds. March, 2021. Chairs Report of the Senate Committee for Learning and Teaching, With Recommendations. Submitted to the SMU Academic Senate, 2019. Chairs Report of the Senate Committee for Learning and Teaching, With Recommendations. Submitted to the SMU Academic Senate, 2018. Report of the Cross Faculty Working Group on Academic Literacy, With Recommendations to Senate. Co-authored. Submitted to Senate, December 16, 2017. Report of the Advisory Committee on Equitable Learning Outcomes, With Recommendations to the Halifax Regional School Board. Submitted to the Halifax Regional School Board, February 2011. WWW as Curricular Method in the Digital Humanities, Digital Humanities 2007: The 19th Joint International Conference of the Association for Computers in the Humanities, and the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, June 4 June 8, 2007. The Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2007: 35-6. Report of the Inner City Education Advisory Committee. With Recommendations to the Halifax Regional School Board. Submitted to the Halifax Regional School Board, March 28, 2007. Report: Controlling Intellectual Property: The Academic Community and the Future of Knowledge (A CAUT Conference, Ottawa, October 27-29, 2006), Faculty Union News: 91ϳƬ, 13.1, 2006: 5-6. Professional Development: Preparing to Write Comprehensive Exams. On-line Guide to Comprehensive Exams at the Ph.D. level. Office for English Language and Writing Support, School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto 3 September, 2002. Accessible at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.sgs.utoronto.ca/english/pd/comps.htm" http://www.sgs.utoronto.ca/english/pd/comps.htm. Refereed Conference Papers and Lectures at Scholarly Meetings Challenging Conceptions re. Children Born of War panel presentation. International Studies Association 2022 Annual Convention - March 28th - April 2nd, 2022 Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Model Course: ENGL 1205 Introduction to Literature. Educational Equity Conference May/June 2021, MSVU. The Problem with Maternal Care: Rearticulating the Norm through a Feminist Lens. Conference of the International Association of Maternal Action and Scholarship, Chicago, US, October, 2020. Between Victimhood and Empowerment: What Women's Narratives About Two Episodes of 20th Century War Rape Can Teach Us in the 21st Century. With Agatha Schwartz, University of Ottawa. Achieving Gender Equality and Womens Empowerment: Challenges and Issues. 5th International Conference on Women and Gender Studies, June 29-30, 2018. Bangkok, Thailand. Challenging Conceptions: Children Born of War in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Closed-door seminar on Challenging Conceptions: Children Born of War and Sexual Exploitation. The Institute of Human Security at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University. May 10-11, 2018. Invited. Challenges and Rewards of Transnational Collection of Narratives about War Rape: Adaptive Feminist Methodologies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Annual Conference of the Women and Gender Studies et recherches feministes Association. Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. University of Regina, May 2018. Motherhood Studies and the Motherhood Movement in the Context of Womens and Gender Studies. Matricentric Feminism: Theory, Activism, Politics, Practice and Representation. May 2-4, 2018, Syracuse University. Florence, Italy War Trauma, Healing, Successes and Challenges: In Conversation With Bosnian Women Rape Survivors. 21st Century Reflections on Sexual Violence in Wars, its Transgenerational and Transnational Impact. March 13-16, 2018. University of Ottawa. Deconstructing Ethnic Boundaries: Bosnian Children Born of War and Identity Beyond Ethnicity. 21st Century Reflections on Sexual Violence in Wars, its Transgenerational and Transnational Impact. March 13-16, 2018. University of Ottawa. Women in and After War. Centre for Transnational Culture Analysis and the Institute for Comparative Studies in Literature, Art and Culture. March 16, 2018. Carleton University. Invited. Thematizing the Continuities Between Individual and Collective Trauma in the Narratives of Female War Rape Survivors on the Territories of the Former Yugoslavia. The Annual Conference of the Women and Gender Studies et recherches feministes Association. Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Ryerson University, Toronto: May 28-31, 2017. Motherhood Studies and Feminist Theory: Intersections. Conference Motherlines: Mothering, Motherhood and Mothers in and Through the Generations: Theory, Narrative, Representation, Practice and Experience. Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement and UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre. Galway, Ireland: July 6-9, 2017. Between Oppression and Empowerment: The Range of Maternal Experiences in Bosnian Women Rape Survivors. Mothers, Mothering, Motherhood in Todays World International Conference. Toronto, October 14-16, 2016. Challenges Involved in Memorializing Wartime Sexual Violence and its Legacies. Cultural Memory Workshop Series. Central and Eastern European Studies Research Group (CEESRG). University of Ottawa, February 18, 2016. Invited presenter and panelist. Wartime Rapes in Central and Eastern Europe: Trauma, Narratives and Memorialization since World War II. Roundtable discussion. Organized by the Central and Eastern European Studies Research Group. March 20, 2015, University of Ottawa. Maternal Ambivalence and Raising Children Born of War Rape in Post-Conflict Bosnia. The Annual Conference of the Women and Gender Studies et recherches feministes Association. Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. University of Ottawa, May 2015. Negotiating Identities in Post-Conflict Bosnia: Self, Ethnicity and Nationhood in Adolescents Born of Wartime Rape. 20th Annual World Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities. Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York. 24-26 April 2015. Genocidal Rape, Enforced Impregnation, and the Discourse of National Identity on the Balkans. 19th Annual World Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities. Harriman Institute, Columbia University, 24-26 April 2014. Constructing Monstrous Motherhood: Rape and Enforced Impregnation During the War on the Balkans. Probing the Boundaries of Reproduction. 1st Global Conference. May 12-14, 2013. Prague, Czech Republic. The Commercialization of Motherhood in the Context of the Global Economy: Anglo- American Perspectives. Mothers and Mothering in a Global Context. Conference organized by the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement (MIRCI) in Partnership with the Institute for Gender and Development Studies: The Nita Barrow Unit, University of West Indies, Christ Church, Barbados, February 24-25, 2012. Educating Mothers. Paper delivered at the International Conference on Mothering, Education and Maternal Pedagogies, featuring an embedded conference on Motherhood Studies: Developing and Disseminating a New Academic Discipline for a New Century. Toronto, October, 20-22, 2011 Web 2.0 Technologies, Collective Intelligence and the Role of the Expert. Click on Knowledge Conference 2011. University of Copenhagen, Denmark, May 11-13, 2011. Teaching and Mothering: Two Practices on the Same Continuum. Mothering and Motherhood in the 21st Century: Research and Activism. University of Lisbon, Portugal, February 17-19, 2011. Designing Cross-Culturally Sensitive Courses for E-Learning Environments. Webinar for the Global E-Learning Community, eWorld Learning, Inc. September 1, 2009 (by invitation) Knowledge Redefined: Consensus Sapientia in the Digital Era and Reframing the Modalities of Teaching and Learning. KCTOS: Knowledge Creation and Transformation of Societies. Organized under the auspices of the Austrian President, Vienna, Austria. December, 2007. Transformative Learning Theory and the Teaching of Renaissance Literature. Atlantic Renaissance Conference, Acadia University, Wolfville, NS. September, 2007 WWW as Curricular Method in the Digital Humanities, Digital Humanities 2007, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Ill. US. June 2-8, 2007 Transformative Learning Theory and the Study of Literature. 11th Dalhousie Conference on University Teaching and Learning: Engaging Students as Thinkers and Writers in Every Discipline. Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada. May 2-3, 2007 Michel de Montaignes essay, The Education of Children and Social Constructivist Theories of Learning, Atlantic Renaissance Conference, Mount Allison University, Sackville, NB. September 29-30, 2006. Richard Crashaws Flaming Heart and Reading Right in Baroque Art. Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, with the Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies, York University, Toronto. May 2006. Difference as Crisis in Cross-Cultural Communication. Communication in Crisis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. March, 2006. Coming Back Full Circle to Interactive Reading: Past and Present, Text and Hypertext. International Conference on Textual Culture, University of Sterling, Scotland, UK. July, 2005. Text, Typography and Meaning: The Case of Madame de Lafayette's La Princesse de Cleves in Modern English, Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing, International Conference, Dalhousie University. July, 2005. The Genres of John Donnes Poetry in Their Manuscript Contexts Guest Lecture. Dalhousie University, Department of English Speaker Series. October, 2004. "The Bridgewater Manuscript Collection of (Donne's) Poetry and the Reading of Texts Without Borders." Congress of the Humanities (Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies/ Early Book Society), University of Toronto, 2002. "'Betweene excesse of love and excesse of feare':'Donne's An Anatomy of the World and the Preacher's Audience." John Donne Session. 36th International Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Kalamazoo, MI., 2001. "Textuality and Magic: a Metaphorical Reading of Robertson Davies' Deptford Trilogy." Reappraisals: Canadian Writers Annual Symposium, University of Ottawa, 1998. Public Lectures and Media Events Interview for Walrus magazine, as an expert on motherhood in the context of limitations to the neoliberal capitalist consumer ethic in shaping discourses around parenting.  HYPERLINK "https://thewalrus.ca/instagrams-parent-trap/" https://thewalrus.ca/instagrams-parent-trap/, June 30, 2021. Incivility in and Outside the Classroom: Equity in Email Communication. Organizer. Workshop for Faculty, Staff, and Students. Saint Marys University, November 2020. Who is Women and Gender Studies For? Celebrating 25 Years of the WGST Program at SMU. Lecture and interview for Homecoming 2020 SMU Alumni Association, with Michele Byers. September 30, 2020.  HYPERLINK "https://campusnews.smu.ca/campusnotes/2020/9/25/homecoming-celebrates-25-years-of-women-and-gender-studies-at-smu" https://campusnews.smu.ca/campusnotes/2020/9/25/homecoming-celebrates-25-years-of-women-and-gender-studies-at-smu Incivility in and Outside the Classroom: Claiming Agency. Organizer. Panel for Faculty and Staff. Saint Marys University, March 2020. Culturally-Responsive Pedagogy in the Context of Teaching Literature. What is Effective University Teaching? The 2019 Saint Marys University Teaching and Learning Symposium. November 2019. 2019. Best Practices in the Intercultural Classroom. Community of Practice. February 8, 2019. Saint Marys University. With Muhammad Elhabibi. Incivility in and Outside the Classroom: Creating a Campus Culture of Respect. Organizer. Panel for Faculty and Staff. Saint Marys University, October 2019. Invited workshop presenter. Calling all Citizens. Delivering a professional development workshop to Nova Scotia Teachers from the Social Studies Teachers Association (SSTA) on intercultural communication and globalization. October, 2018. Saint Marys University and the Nova Scotia Teachers Union (NSTU). Invited panelist/discussant to the screening of "The Order of Things" (2017) by Andrea Segre, featured at the International Conference in Intercultural Studies: Immigration, the Dynamics of Identity and Policies for Managing Diversity, Saint Marys University, June 14-16, 2018. Invited panelist/discussant to the Department of Sociology, International Development Program, Global Learning and Intercultural Support Offices screening and discussion of Dirty, Pretty Things as part of the Global Fair Film Series on Gender, Precarity and Forced Migration and the Global Fair 2018. International Centre, March 29, 2018. Radio interview. CHUO 89.1 FM Third Wave Radical Feminist Radio Show, with Julie Lalonde. Speaking about sexual violence, and promoting the workshop on sexual violence in war and the transmission of transgenerational trauma that my research team organized at the University of Ottawa, March 13-17, 2018, based on our SSHRC-funded research project. March 5, 2018.  HYPERLINK "https://chuo.fm/show/third-wave/" https://chuo.fm/show/third-wave/ Interview for a Bosnian daily newspaper on my research related to the mass rapes of Bosnian women, and children born as a result of war rape. Dnevni Avaz. August 18, 2017.  HYPERLINK "http://avaz.ba/vijesti/teme/290228/avaz-ba-ekskluzivno-saznaje-u-univerzitetskim-bibliotekama-u-sad-i-kanadi-uskoro-knjige-sa-ispovijestima-silovanih-bosnjakinja" \t "_blank" http://avaz.ba/vijesti/teme/290228/avaz-ba-ekskluzivno-saznaje-u-univerzitetskim-bibliotekama-u-sad-i-kanadi-uskoro-knjige-sa-ispovijestima-silovanih-bosnjakinja Faculty Author Series. Patrick Power Library. Saint Marys University, Feb 10, 2016. A book reading and discussion. Mothers Under Fire: Mothering in Conflict Areas. Interview: On Mothers Under Fire and how displacement and refuge affects women and families. The Signal. February 16, 2016.  HYPERLINK "http://signalhfx.ca/needs-of-women-refugees-not-being-met-says-prof/" http://signalhfx.ca/needs-of-women-refugees-not-being-met-says-prof/ Interview. International Day of Peace and Mothers Under Fire. 2015 Theme: Partnerships for PeaceDignity for All. Demeter Press Blog, September 20, 2015.  HYPERLINK "http://demeterpress.org/international-day-of-peace-and-mothers-under-fire" http://demeterpress.org/international-day-of-peace-and-mothers-under-fire Literature and Human Rights. Panel Moderator. With guests Canadian authors, Ami McKay, Michael Crummey and Stephen Law. Amnesty International AGM. Halifax Central Library, May 31, 2015. Raising Children Born of Wartime Rape in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Panel presentation and discussion. The Central and Eastern European Studies Research Group Roundtable Discussion Wartime Rapes in Central and Eastern Europe: Trauma, Narratives and Memorialization Since World War II. University of Ottawa, March 20, 2015. Rape Culture as the New Normal: Gender, Violence and the Media. Public Lecture and workshop on rape culture. Difficult Conversations Series. Centre for the Interdisciplinary Study of Culture, Saint Marys University, October 2013 Rape as a Tactic of War in the Recent Civil War on the Balkans. March 9, 2012. Public Lecture delivered as part of the Bryony House (Shelter for Women and Children) sponsored conference in honor of March 8, The International Day of Women. Guest panelist at the Roundtable for Graduate Education in Renaissance Studies in Atlantic Canada Atlantic Renaissance Conference, Mount Allison University, Sackville, NB. September 29-30, 2006. Guest lecturer on reading and literacy, entitled Reading for Life to parents of children in inner city communities in Halifax enrolled in PALS Program, 2006. SERVICE English Department 2017-2018 ENGL 1205 Committee, redesigning the first-year English program 2017-2018 Tenure and Promotion Committee 2016- 2017 Administrator of the Department of English Twitter Account 2015-2017 Co-Chair of the Cross Faculty Working Group for Redesigning the First-year Academic Literacy Requirement, representing Department of English 2015-2016 Worked with the director of Continuing Education on creating an MPHEC Proposal for a Certificate in English for Teachers 2012 Sub-committee responsible for drafting the English Department self-study of on graduation/retention and student experience 2008 Chair of hiring committee, Literature of the Black Diaspora 2007-2009 Part-time faculty hiring committee 2004-2016 Founder and Administrator of the English department Listserv 2006 Chair of the ad-hoc committee for review of the effectives of the first-year English university-wide requirement 2005- 2019 Joyce Marshall Hsia Memorial Poetry and Short Story Prize Committee 2004 to 2018 Scholarships and Awards Committee 2004-2007 Maritime Students Conference Committee University Service 2020 present Member of the SMU Research Ethics Board 2020-2021 Member of the SMU Experiential Learning Research Group 2019-2021 Elected Chair of the SMU Academic Senate 2019-2021 Chair of the SMU Academic Discipline Appeals Board 2019-2021 Chair of the SMU Committee for Academic Discipline 2019-2021 Chair of the SMU Committee for Academic Appeals 2018-2020 Chair of the SMU Committee for Teaching and Learning 20016-2018 Senate Committee for Teaching and Learning 2017-2019 Elected Vice-Chair of University Senate 2014 to present, Elected to University Senate 2017 -2019 Academic Planning Sub-Committee on the first year literacy requirement 2017-2018 First Year Experience Committee for the Faculty of Arts 2017 -2019 Saint Marys University Faculty Union Equity and Diversity Committee 2017 - 2019 University Committee on Accessibility 2017- 2019 2+2 SMU-Beijing Normal University Zhuhai Campus, Faculty of Arts Committee 2016 to present University Senate Committee for Teaching and Learning 2016 University Committee for Internationalization and Interculturalization 2015-2017 Co-Chair of the Cross Faculty Working Group for Redesigning the First-year Academic Literacy Requirement, with Philip Giles. 2013-2015 Fall Orientation for Prospective and Incoming Students 2014 Lectures to prospective international students on the Women and Gender Studies Program 2013 Rape Culture and the New Normal: Gender, Violence and the Media. Public lecture and workshop on rape culture. Difficult Conversations Series. Centre for Interdisciplinary Study of Culture. October 2013. 2012 Program Committee and selection board for the conference Mothers in History, Histories of Motherhood, Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Engagement. Toronto, May 2012. 2007-2009 Appointed by the Dean of Arts to the University Senate Curriculum Committee 2007-2009 Appointed by the Dean of Arts to the Faculty of Arts Curriculum Committee 2007- 2019. 91ϳƬ Faculty Unions Investment Committee 2006 Elected Member-At-Large of Faculty Union Executive Service to the Profession 2020-2021 Research Collaborator for SMU on a Joint University Project, Culture and Perspectives on Institutional Sexual Assault Policy. Funded by the Nova Scotia Universities and the Nova Scotia Community College Sexual Violence Prevention Grant, and Report. 2020 Peer- review for the Journal for Educational Media, Memory and Society 2019-2020 Regular peer-reviews for Psychology of Women Quarterly 2019 Peer-review for The Journal of Civil Society 2019 Peer-review for Canadian Ethnic Studies 2018 Leader of Fundraising Campaign for Demeter Press 2015-2019 Women and Gender Studies et recherches feministes Association of Canada, Executive, Communication Coordinator 2015-2017 SSHRC Insight Grant Adjudication Committee 2015 to present Member of the Demeter Press Editorial Board 2012-2019 Program committee and selection board for the Digital Humanities Annual Conference 2014 Tenure and promotion review for Department of English Rochester Institute of Technology 2014 Guest Editor for Mothers and History issue of the Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement 5.1 (2014). 2005-2009Editorial board of Reader: Essays in Reader Oriented Theory, Criticism and Pedagogy 2000-2001Invited speaker. Session for Professional Development, English Language and Writing Support, School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto 2000-2001Invited speaker. Graduate English Association Lecture Series on preparing Comprehensive Ph.D. exams, University of Toronto 1996-1997 Peer Counselor, York University 1999-2000 Website Committee for the Department of English, University of Toronto Community Service Literature and Human Rights. Panel Moderator. With guests Canadian authors, Ami McKay, Michael Crummey and Stephen Law. Amnesty International AGM. Halifax Central Library, May 31, 2015. 2012 The Use of Rape as a Tactic of War in the Balkan War. Lecture and discussion. Bryony Transition House for Women / SMU Women's Centre. International Day of Women Events. March 9, 2012 2012 Appointed. YWCA December 6th Fund Blueprint Grant Advisory Committee. Objective: to enable second-stage shelters and other community organizations to better assist women who have experienced abuse, particularly in under -served areas, to access appropriate services and transition to violence-free lives; to track progress of loan dispersal and to measure the effectiveness of service delivery 2008-2011 Appointed. Advisory Committee for Creating Equitable Learning Outcomes, Halifax Regional School Board 2007-2009 School Advisory Council of cole Oxford Junior High School 2005-2007 Chair of/56BCDHQSj}  % , -  B  ; < = > ? @ J K L ԲԽԲhxh=~_5 hh=~_hshHAht%%h\t@h=~_CJ h=~_CJh=~_hHAh=~_0J5CJPJaJ hjh=~_hy\hy\nH tH  h=~_5C/6CD- B ; < = > ? @ K L $a$$a$gd=~_$a$gd=~_gdy\   !$dNL  G } jC^ gd=~_$a$ $^a$gd=~_$a$gd=~_     G     + u | } jtCt^t  tNP'(whD6h=~_5 h6h=~_ hy\hy\hy\ h=~_5 hh=~_hh=~_6h=~_ hh=~_Nbc  RST^_$`^``a$gd=~_$a$gd=~_$a$h^hgd=~_^gd=~_gd=~_'(bcw  '(w'(w'(w'(RST]^_p !0p !Ops !)N` h=~_6 hYSh=~_hOh=~_H*hU@h=~_5h\t@h=~_5 h=~_5h,1h=~_H* hT\Bh=~_h=~_J0p!Os)a<x"#T`gd=~_gd=~_$`^``a$gd=~_$a$gd=~_`ap !<px"#FNSTbEFab ! " # , - 3 4 I ŵŵŵhvh=~_5hBh=~_5 h=~_5hU@h=~_5h n hRh=~_+hh=~_5CJ OJPJQJaJ nH tH h=~_h8h=~_6FEFa ! 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Facilitated conversations on reading and literacy to parents and children in inner city communities Home and School Association, St. Josephs A. McKay PS, Halifax 20004-2005 Grants Committee, Home and School Association St. Josephs A. McKay Public School 2000-2001Parent Volunteer, Palmerston Junior Public School, Toronto 1993-1995 Volunteer/Translator, Center for Newcomers to Ontario, Toronto     TATJANA TAKEVA, Ph.D PAGE  PAGE 4  PAGE 9 x%}%%%%%&&&\&]&}&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'''':'<'Ͻϯh=~_0JmHnHu h=~_0Jjh=~_0JUh=~_h1wBh=~_5CJOJQJ"hHAhHA0J5CJ$PJ\aJ$"hHAh=~_0J5CJ$PJ\aJ$hjhUh'(h=~_5^Jh'(h=~_^J5%%&&\&]&&&&&e!$ & F ) p@ P !a$gd=~_$ & F ) p@ P !a$$ ) p@ P !a$gd=~_ ) p@ P !gd=~_!$ ) p@ P ! ^ a$gd=~_ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&''''E'F'Q'$a$ &`#$gd=~_$a$gd=~_!$$ & F ) p@ P !@&a$<'='D'E'F'G'K'M'N'O'P'Q'R'S'T'U'V'ǽh'(h=~_5^Jhh=~_0JmHnHu h=~_0Jjh=~_0JUh=~_CJOJQJh=~_jMha&ha&UQ'R'S'T'U'V'!$$ & F ) p@ P !@&a$$a$3...()()()..)() 0P/ =!"#$%j 8$Dp; 0P:p=~_/ =!"#$%j DpMDyK 0http://www.sgs.utoronto.ca/english/pd/comps.htmyK xhttp://www.sgs.utoronto.ca/english/pd/comps.htmyX;H,]ą'cjDd $0  # A"9z vc@=9z  A(0Z8xVKHTa>stRDf8)J*&  Q-Rr!]-2 ZUWXY؃ML!Ɍ::X"xBBG]9%㡟(` QɜCY1t#-@>G)mϝ{Mɳ)2!hfCzU\>wr]h {Wep};;j.:a~l9 <6 WNy˝ezGW+s^My\?'p\x֙0雨 ߡ6j}X*J1qV]$T+b=9H=v g'E4.'9"h75Ox5w=a ˋA\TnՀ_.(]1ees.c#섡 -X˨WLЉM@- ⯃ } DŲ̾> js}S(z.6V l~f8ϓ{6clgW-ha?"yW+W w[9SLz7%CG]=X-155Py&>gCt{/i4ٓs>g1osH):}yc(Ye@^^4~X1TR@6wFD56x>hH02 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@66666OJQJ_HmH nH sH tH J`J HANormal d,CJ_HaJmH sH tH n`n HA Heading 1$$$d@P@&a$!B*CJ(OJ PJ QJ ^JaJ(ph.td`d  HA Heading 2$$$d(@&a$CJ OJ PJ QJ ^JaJ ^ ^ !HA Heading 3$$d@&CJ OJ PJ QJ ^JaJ ^ ^ "HA Heading 4$$P@&6CJOJ PJ QJ ]^JaJX X #HA Heading 5$$(@&CJOJ PJ QJ ^JaJ^ ^ $HA Heading 6$$(@&6CJOJ PJ QJ ]^JaJX X %HA Heading 7$$(@&CJOJ PJ QJ ^JaJ^ ^ &HA Heading 8$$(@&6CJOJ PJ QJ ]^JaJL L 'HA Heading 9 $$(@& 56\]DA`D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List joj Level 1&$d,1$7$8$H$^a$CJPJ_HaJmH sH tH 0U`0 Hyperlink>*B*FF  Footnote TextCJPJtH u4@"4 Header  !4 @24 Footer  !.)@A. 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