Get Immediate Help Now

If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, meaning you are at risk to yourself or someone else:

  • Dial 911 to connect with emergency services (police, fire, ambulance).
  • Present at the closest hospital emergency department.
    • For students 19 years and older the closest hospital emergency department to campus is the QEII Hospital.
    • For students 18 years and younger the closest hospital emergency department to campus is the IWK Hospital.

If you need immediate support but are not experiencing a mental health emergency consider:

  • Calling the Mental Health Mobile Crisis Team at 1-902-429-8167.
  • Calling Good2Talk at 1-833-292-3698 or texting “Good2TalkNS” to 686868.
  • Calling or texting 988, which is a suicide helpline. They provide support to anyone in Canada 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you are thinking about suicide or worried about someone you know call or text 988.

The Counselling Centre is a not designed to be a drop-in service. Our Clinicians book sessions in advance so often their schedules are full and we cannot accommodate drop-ins. However, we triage cases and may be able to offer priority/urgent appointments, depending on availability and the student’s needs. Urgent/priority appointments are not guaranteed but students, staff/faculty or loved ones can make a request by notifying us of the the urgent/priority need.

The Counselling Centre at
O’Donnell Hennessey Student Centre
Fourth Floor, Room 406
923 Robie Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3H 3C3

Phone: 902-420-5615