Certificate in Spanish Language & Hispanic Culture

The certificate program in Spanish Language and Hispanic Culture is designed to provide linguistic and cultural knowledge to persons interested in studying and/or working in a Spanish-speaking country. It consists of twenty-four (24) credit hours and is intended for undergraduate students and persons already holding degrees in any discipline.


Admission to the certificate program requires a formal application for admission and the official approval of the Coordinator for Spanish. Application forms are available from the Registrar. Students majoring in Spanish at 91±¬ÁϳÉÈËƬ are not eligible for this program. Eighteen of the twenty-four (24) credit hours must be completed at Saint Mary's.

Program Courses

The program consists of twelve (12) required credit hours in language, SPAN 1100.0 and/or 2204.1(2), 2205.1(2), 2206.1(2) 2230.1(2) 2231.1(2), 3303.1(2), 3306.1(2) and/or and a number of optional credit hours.

These optional credit hours must be at the 3000 level or above and will be chosen from the following courses:

  • SPAN 3304.1(2) Americas: The Changing Face of Latin America
  • SPAN 3305.1(2) Contemporary Spanish Society
  • SPAN 3310.1(2) Latin American Culture
  • SPAN 4404.1(2) 20th Century Latin American Literature I
  • SPNA 4406.1(2) 20th Century Latin American Literature II
  • SPNA 4407.1(2) 20th Century Spanish Literature I
  • SPNA 4409.1(2) 20th Century Spanish Literature II
  • SPAN 4423.1(2) Independent Study I
  • SPAN 4424.1(2) Independent Study II
  • HIST 2375.0 Modern Latin America
  • HIST 3402.0 Aspects of Global History

Other courses are possible, subject to the approval of the Coordinator for Spanish


A minimum cumulative quality point average of 2.00 in this certificate program is required.