Explore the structure and function of languages, and how their systematic nature makes human communication possible. The Certificate in Linguistics is designed to provide a foundation in linguistics to complement study in related fields, such as language teaching, anthropology, sociology, business, and computer studies. The program consists of 30 credit hours and is intended primarily for students already holding degrees in any discipline.
AdmissionAdmission to the certificate program requires a formal application for admission. Students taking the certificate while completing a bachelor's degree must obtain official approval of the Coordinator for Linguistics. Students majoring in linguistics at 91±¬ÁϳÉÈËƬ are not eligible for this program. Fifteen (15) of the thirty (30) credit hours must be completed at 91±¬ÁϳÉÈËƬ.
Program CoursesAll students are required to take LING 1200.0. They must also select six (6) credit hours from the following courses:
The remaining eighteen (18) credit hours are to be selected from the inter-department offerings listed in the linguistics section of this Calendar (subsection d). One of these courses must be at the 3000 level. With the permission of the Coordinator for Linguistics, one of these three courses can be other than a linguistics course. Typically, this course would be one suitable for the student's objectives, such as an upper level class in a second language, formal logic or computing studies.
RequirementsA minimum cumulative quality point average of 2.00 in this Certificate Program is required for graduation.Teacher CertificationIn September 2002, the Provincial Department of Education's Minister's Advisory Committee on Teacher Certification approved the Certificate in Linguistics program in general for teacher certification purposes. Any teacher interested in pursuing this certificate program for teacher certification purposes must request individual approval of this Program from the Registrar - Teacher Certification prior to registration in this program.
Contact Recruitment: recruitment@smu.ca
Account inquiries, payment information, transcripts and confirmation of enrolment:service.centre@smu.ca Mon - Fri, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m 902-420-5582
Other inquiries:info@smu.ca Mon - Fri, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m902-420-5400
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